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Health and Advertising

Health and Advertising
27 juillet 2010

The Marlboro Man

In the sixty's, when the advertising wasn't prohibited for cigarett, Marlboro created the "Marlboro Man".
In fact, in this time, the brand decided to topic on men and it chose to use the image of the cow boy, lving in the Marlboro country.


Nowadays, advirtising pro-cigarett is allowed but the different brand can sponsorise events. For exemple, Marlboro sponsorise the stabble Ferrari. But in 2008, a new law make difficult to show the logo of the brand on the cars, so Marlboro has replaced it by a bar code.


18 juillet 2010

Free Picture fight cigaret in Saudi Arabia

Free Picture is an advertising agency wich has created an anti-tobacco compaign in Saudi Arabia.
The first picture represent a igaret consuming Saudi monuments like the Riadh towers and the second picture represents the differents ages of the saudi population.

The text on the two pictures is "You burn your life and your country".

Using this two concept, the agency can affect the population because they can recognize them selves in the two pictures.



6 juillet 2010

The bigest man of the world

The obesity is a severe disease which is hereditary for 70 pourcent of people.

6 juillet 2010

New trend

6 juillet 2010

Bachelot asked to test shoot rooms


Most European countries have resigned to open supervised injecting rooms.

Not France, but a recent review of Inserm could change things.

Will there soon be "shot room" opened in France? Ces espaces, médicalisés, sont destinés aux toxicomanes les plus précaires qui se piquent dans la rue, les couloirs du métro, les toilettes des cafés. These spaces, healthcare, are for the most vulnerable addicts who take pride in the streets, subway tunnels, restrooms cafes. Devant la recrudescence des overdoses et des contaminations (VIH, hépatites), la plupart des pays européens se sont résignés à ouvrir des salles d'injection encadrées par des personnels de santé.
Before the outbreak of overdoses and infections (HIV, hepatitis), most European countries are resigned to open safe injection rooms supervised by health personnel. Pas la France. Not France. Pour les associations qui viennent en aide aux toxicomanes, il ya urgence.For associations that help to addicts, it is urgent.
A collective of a dozen associations sent a letter to Roselyne Bachelot asking him to "launch an experiment. L'an passé, la ministre de la Santé avait annoncé qu'elle attendait les résultats d'une expertise confiée à l'Inserm (Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale) pour se décider. Last year, the Minister of Health announced that it was awaiting the results of an expert assigned to the INSERM (National Institute for Health and Medical Research) to decide. C'est chose faite depuis la semaine dernière: la synthèse des travaux scientifiques est désormais publique. This has been done. Rassemblés par l'Inserm, 14 experts (épidémiologistes, professionnels de santé publique, psychiatres, addictologues, etc.) ont ainsi épluché la littérature scientifique et étudié les politiques de réduction des risques (RDR) mises en œuvre dans différents pays.In summary, Inserm claims the benefit of injecting rooms as a complementary tool in a comprehensive approach to risk reduction.
Create a link
En France, depuis la fin des années 80, la réduction des risques passe par la distribution de seringues, les traitements de substitution aux opiacés, le dépistage du VIH et les traitements antirétroviIn France since the late 80s, the risk reduction through distribution of syringes, HIV testing and antiretroviral treatment. Des dispositifs qui ont porté leurs fruits. Devices that have borne fruit. Mais 60% des usagers de drogues ont été contaminés par le virus de l'hépatite C, note l'Inserm. But 60% of drug users were infected with hepatitis C. De plus, de nouvelles populations, notamment des jeunes en errance, sont apparues qui échappent aux dispositifs existants. «Les gens tombent dans des trous», commente Elisabeth Avril, médecin et directrice de l'association Gaïa.In addition, new populations, including young deviants, are appeared. Une affirmation qui a de quoi conforter les associations de terrain. «Il faut pouvoir encadrer les toxicomanes, créer un lien avec eux pour pouvoir les amener vers des soins et un sevrage», expliquent-elles. "We must be able to restrict drug users, create a link with them to get them to care and weaning," explain associations. C'est maintenant à Roselyne Bachelot de trancher. Now Roselyne Bachelot decide.
«Pas d'effet d'attra««No effect of attraction
Ailleurs en Europe, quand des autorités ont pris l'initiative d'ouvrir des salles d'injections médicalisées, jamais l'opinion publique ne s'y est montrée d'emblée favorable. «Mais une fois le lieu ouvert, les riverains ont adhéré au dispositif», raconte Anne François, médecin au sein de «Quai 9», une salle de consommation ouverte à Genève depuis 1991.Elsewhere in Europe, when authorities took the initiative to open rooms injections medical facilities, public opinion does not immediately favorable. "But once the place opened, local residents have joined the device, "says Anne Francis, a physician in" Platform 9 "a consumption room opened in Geneva since 1991. Personnel hospitalier, travailleurs sociaux, municipalité et police sont membres du comité de pilotage de Quai 9. And the Swiss doctor add : "In ten years there was no effect of attraction for new customers."

La ministre de la Santé écoutera-t-elle les experts de l'Inserm ou Etienne Apaire, magistrat et président de la Mission interministérielle de lutte contre la drogue et la toxicomanie (MilIn France, if the Ministry of Health refuse to adopt a device that allows drug addicts do not « stay in the streets », municipalities, and particularly that of Paris, are ready to adopt the device themselves.

6 juillet 2010


anorexiaAnorexia nervosa

Anorexia nervosa, commonly referred to simply as anorexia, is one type of eating disorder. More importantly, it is also a psychological disorder. Anorexia is a condition that goes beyond out-of-control dieting. A person with anorexia often initially begins dieting to lose weight. Over time, the weight loss becomes a sign of mastery and control. The drive to become thinner is actually secondary to concerns about control and/or fears relating to one's body. The individual continues the endless cycle of restrictive eating, often accompanied by other behaviors such as excessive exercising or the overuse of diet pills, diuretics, laxatives, and/or enemas in order to reduce body weight, often to a point close to starvation in order to feel a sense of control over his or her body. This cycle becomes an obsession and, in this way, is similar to any type of addiction.

6 juillet 2010

child obesity: When temptation goes with prevention

6 juillet 2010

Plastic water bottle advertising campaign from Brita

A currently running advertising campaign from Brita, a German company that specializes in water filtration products, says in its ad slogan that “last year 16 million gallons of oil were consumed to make plastic water bottles.”


Brita wants you to stop using water bottles and instead use their water filters to clean their water. While you can ask yourself what use the water filters will do, when the majority of the developed countries have an excellent quality on their water, the advertising campaign highlights one of the most pointless waste products in our society today.

Americans send about 38 billion water bottles a year to landfills. Considering the 1.5 million barrels of oil needed to make those bottles, the environmental impact of plastic bottle waste is truly staggering.


24 mars 2010

Unbridle your eyes in Korea!

Last month in Korea, seven ambassador's wives were invited by the Health Ministery to discover the plastic surgery in korean hospital.
This event was organised to promote the surgerical cares in their hospitals.

More over, an advertissement has been placarded in Seoul streets for an surgical operation of the eyelides by a private hospital.


Last year in May, the government tried to attract the medical tourists because it's one of the 17 "motors of the grows for the next generation".

The medical tourism has increased a lot between 2005 (10 000 tourists) and 2008 (40 000 tourists). Korea takes advantage of the technical progress and it's becoming one of the leaders of plastic surgery!

14 mars 2010

When BDDP & Fils goes too far...

In 2010, the communication agency BDDP & Fils creates a new compaign anti tobaco for the DNF (Association des Droits des Non Fumeurs). But this compaign is very different from the classic ministerial messages.
Actually, the agency uses an image showing an adolescent knelt down in front of an adult and obligated to put a cigarette in his mouth.
They use the idea of sexual soumision to comparate the cigarette to a subjection.
This choking compaign has for goal to make young people aware of the danger of tobaco for health, because they are more and more touched by this fashion of consumption.
In fact, if in 2008 the 16 - 20 years old people represented 14% of the consummers, in 2009, their number increased to 18%!


But this way to associating smocking to be "raped" has chocked a lot of people and the reactions against this compaign are very lively.

Associations like "Enfance et Partage" regret this uncalled-for parallel and feminist like Antoinette Fouque says that "To practise a fellatio doesn't provoke the cancer"

Album of other compaign in the world

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Health and Advertising